OT: SPF query

Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions michele at BLACKNIGHTSOLUTIONS.COM
Thu Jan 29 12:47:04 GMT 2004

I was reading up on this a bit last night and was wondering what others

My understanding is that SPF checks that the sender is *from* the domain,
but how would that work in the case where the domain is split?
ie. mail is handled in one location, web in another. The website, for
example, generates emails to users with the From field


In the case of some reseller type situations mail routed through a reseller
account is sent with the reseller's email in the From field

Maybe this is way OT and maybe I am missing something.. but any thoughts
would be appreciated



Mr. Michele Neylon
Blacknight Internet Solutions Ltd
Tel. + 353 (0)59 9137101
Lowest price domains in Ireland

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