VEXIRA antivirus support

Gabriele Oleotti goleotti at MISAG.IT
Wed Jan 28 22:49:38 GMT 2004

here is the updated patch with the vexira autoupdater.

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Julian Field [mailto:mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK]
Sent: mercoledì 28 gennaio 2004 17.52
Subject: Re: VEXIRA antivirus support

Any chance you could write a vexira-autoupdate as well please?
Then I will include it in the main distribution.

At 15:18 28/01/2004, you wrote:
>Hello everybody,
>I'm not sure this is the right place to send this kind of emails, so if it
>is not please forward me to the right place.
>I've twicked a little bit with the MailScanner code to add support for the
>Vexira Antivirus (I'm very satisfied with it.)
>I'm using this modified version of MailScanner 4.24.5 from some times and
>it seems to work fine.
>Here I attach the patch to make things to work; basically only minor
>modifications are necessary to the following files:
>- etc/virus.scanners.conf         (virus wrapper configuration)
>- lib/MailScanner/ (the actual processing sub)
>- lib/vexira-wrapper              (virus wrapper shell script)
>I haven't had time to test and install any newer version of MailScanner.
>I have set the SupportScanning option to BETA (I don't know if this is the
>right status anyway...) so you may need to modify your Minimum Code Status
>to at least 'beta' in your MailScanner.conf to see the vexira working.
>You may want to check the virus.scanners.conf if you have installed Vexira
>in a non-standard directory (/usr/bin/vexira)
>Any feedback is welcome.
>P.S. I suggest to run something like "patch -p2 <vexira.patch" in
>/opt/MailScanner directory (or whatever directory you install MailScanner
>into) to apply the patch.

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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