Outlook/OWA 2003 - file types blocked
Quentin Campbell
Sun Jan 25 15:17:54 GMT 2004
Julian et al
I really provided the list of file types for info and to allow
comparison against your default "filename.rules.info". It is the most
definitive list I have been able to find of executable file types.
Our Microsoft system specialists have asked me to include all in our
version of the above file because they want to encourage people to zip
executable files as a matter of practice.
The versions of Outlook and OWA 2003 that they are rolling out here will
block them by default as described in
After comparing this list with your list I am now unsure as to whether
the M$ Access shortcuts should be
rather than
as in the distributed "filename.rules.info" file?
Perhaps those who jumped in immediately and rejected including any of
these can confirm (with some references to docs, if possible) which is
the correct set?
PHONE: +44 191 222 8209 Information Systems and Services (ISS),
University of Newcastle,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
FAX: +44 191 222 8765 United Kingdom, NE1 7RU.
"Any opinion expressed above is mine. The University can get its own."
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Julian Field [mailto:mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK]
>Sent: 25 January 2004 14:33
>Subject: Re: Outlook/OWA 2003 - file types blocked
>Would people like me to add all of these to my supplied
>filename.rules.conf? I don't really agree with all of them.
>For example,
>running a .inf file just shows it to you, it doesn't "run" it.
>And why is a .crt dangerous?
>At 13:55 25/01/2004, you wrote:
>>The following is a full list of Level 1 file types blocked by Outlook
>>2003 and OWA 2003. You may wish to use this to supplement (or
>>the list Julian provides in the "filename.rules.conf" file.
>>Level 1 file types blocked by Outlook 2003
>>File extension File type
>>.ade Microsoft Access project extension
>>.adp Microsoft Access project
>>.app Microsoft FoxPro-generated application
>>.bas Microsoft Visual Basic(r) class module
>>.bat Batch file
>>.chm Compiled HTML Help file
>>.cmd Microsoft Windows NT(r) command script
>>.com Microsoft MS-DOS(r) program
>>.cpl Control Panel extension
>>.crt Security certificate
>>.csh Unix shell script
>>.exe Executable file or program
>>.fxp Microsoft FoxPro(r) file
>>.hlp Help file
>>.hta HTML program
>>.inf Setup information
>>.ins Internet naming service
>>.isp Internet communication settings
>>.js Jscript(r) file
>>.jse Jscript-encoded script file
>>.ksh Unix shell script
>>.lnk Shortcut
>>.mda Microsoft Access add-in program
>>.mdb Microsoft Access program
>>.mde Microsoft Access MDE database
>>.mdt Microsoft Access file
>>.mdw Microsoft Access file
>>.mdz Microsoft Access wizard program
>>.msc Microsoft Common Console document
>>.msi Windows Installer package
>>.msp Windows Installer patch
>>.mst Visual Test source files
>>.ops FoxPro file
>>.pcd Photo CD image or Microsoft Visual Test compiled script
>>.pif Shortcut to MS-DOS program
>>.prf Microsoft Outlook Profile Settings
>>.prg FoxPro program source file
>>.reg Registration entries
>>.scf Windows Explorer Command file
>>.scr Screen saver
>>.sct Windows(r) script component
>>.shb Shortcut into a document
>>.shs Shell scrap object
>>.url Internet shortcut
>>.vb VBScript file
>>.vbe VBScript-encoded script file
>>.vbs VBScript file
>>.wsc Windows script component
>>.wsf Windows script file
>>.wsh Windows script host settings file
>>.xsl XML file that can contain script
>>The above list was taken from Microsoft web pages by one of
>our Exchange
>>PHONE: +44 191 222 8209 Information Systems and Services (ISS),
>> University of Newcastle,
>> Newcastle upon Tyne,
>>FAX: +44 191 222 8765 United Kingdom, NE1 7RU.
>>"Any opinion expressed above is mine. The University can get its own."
>Julian Field
>Professional Support Services at www.MailScanner.biz
>MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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