Gerry Doris
gdoris at
Mon Jan 19 15:31:22 GMT 2004
> I personally use BigEvil, Tripwire, Popcorn/Backhair/Weeds and
> and haven't had any problems with FP's.
> However - as I have a reasonably well trained bayes database, I modify
> low-end and high-end bayes scores just to be on the safe side:
> score BAYES_00 -15.0
> score BAYES_01 -5.0
> score BAYES_90 5.0
> score BAYES_99 15.0
> As I did this quite some time ago - the recently misused HABEAS_SWE headers
> didn't affect me at all:
> SpamAssassin Score: 44.16
> Spam Report:
I've added some of these rules to /etc/mail/spamassassin and they do work.
However, I'm a little nervous about the amount of matches that are added
to the header. Isn't there a limit on the size of the headers?
It would be much better if hits were summarized ie 8 instead of 100 Fred's
Rules all at .08 but I don't know how to do that.
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