Spamassassin negative score? {Scanned}

Martin Hepworth martinh at SOLID-STATE-LOGIC.COM
Wed Jan 14 16:22:22 GMT 2004

Matt Kettler wrote:
> At 09:57 AM 1/14/2004, SW wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I'm just trying to figure out how lately lots of spam gets a 'negative'
>> score resulting in not being seen as spam? Do I need to make some
>> changes in
>> Mailscanner.conf to fix this problem or is this a known loophole spammers
>> use?
> <snip>
>> X-WPPi-MailScanner-SpamCheck: not spam, SpamAssassin (score=-4.7,
>> required
>> 4,
>>  BAYES_00 -4.90, HTML_MESSAGE 0.10, NORMAL_HTTP_TO_IP 0.10)
>> X-UIDL: joV"!$mT"!"!E!!%!3!!
> It looks like your bayes database is poison. It's giving the message a 0%
> chance of spam based on your training database.
> If you're not doing manual training, disable bayes.. autolearning is NOT
> sufficient to have a working bayes database.
> Unfortunately the SA default is to have bayes and autolearning enabled, so
> many people don't realize they need to manually train in the default
> config, resulting in badly trained bayes databases.

I'm using the following rules to trap 10+ random work and odd font
definitions...and about to try an fake habaes rule as well (last rule)

rawbody LOCAL_ZERO_FONTSIZE /\bfont-size\: 0pt|font.*size="0"|font.*size=0/i
describe LOCAL_ZERO_FONTSIZE Font has a size of Zero. What is being hidden?

uri BAYES_BUSTER /rx359|2004hosting|530000X|openseed|er5hdh|quickforms/i
describe BAYES_BUSTER Trying to bypass BAYES
score BAYES_BUSTER 10.0

## Chris Petersen Rules
## 01-09-04
## v1.1

## I've noticed that a lot of spams recently have been following the
random-words technique,
## with very little "spam" content - often just an image or some
obfuscated text.  Has anyone
## given any thought to writing up a rule that detects a LACK of
punctuation, or a lack of
## short words like a/and/the?  It'd be easy for spammers to get around,
but at
least it would
## keep them out of inboxes for awhile.

rawbody  CP_RANDOMWORD_10
describe CP_RANDOMWORD_10       string of 10+ random words
score    CP_RANDOMWORD_10       0.5

rawbody  CP_RANDOMWORD_15
describe CP_RANDOMWORD_15       string of 15+ random words
score    CP_RANDOMWORD_15       2.5

# Jan 2004 : Fake Habeas
header __HABEAS_SWE                eval:message_is_habeas_swe( )

header __HAB_FORGE_BOUND            Content-Type =~
header __HAB_FORGE_MID              Message-ID =~ /<[A-Z]{20,25}@[a-z]{3}/

meta HABEAS_FORGERY                 (__HAB_FORGE_BOUND &&
meta HABEAS_SWE                     (__HABEAS_SWE && ! HABEAS_FORGERY)
# -8.0 for default Habeas score.
describe HABEAS_FORGERY             Common Habeas Forgery
lang fr describe  HABEAS_FORGERY    Spammeur utilisant Habeas sans
score HABEAS_FORGERY                3.5

as ever watch those line breaks...

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300


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