Few general questions regarding MailScanner

Spicer, Kevin Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK
Fri Feb 27 15:23:15 GMT 2004

Matt Kettler wrote:
> At 04:47 PM 2/26/2004, Jason Williams wrote:
>> What are some of the drawbacks of the two?
> Drawbacks:
>          Mailscanner - double queuing means extra disk IO.

Thats potentially misleading, since it implies that every mail must be written to disk twice - unless you are altering the contents of a mail MailScanner simply links it in the outgoing queue and unlinks from the incoming queue (in other words the file doesn't get rewritten, just the directory entry changed).  There is some additional disk IO associated with unpacking attachments etc (I imagine every solution needs to do that though) - this can be largely eliminated by putting the work directory in tmpfs.

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