Problem with list digests

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu Feb 26 15:16:12 GMT 2004

Without knowing what the exact wording of the real reports is, we can't 
help you. There should be a text attachment replacing either some or all of 
the message. In there is a report that tells you exactly why it was blocked.

At 14:51 26/02/2004, you wrote:
>  Hello,
>  Our mailscanner configuration filters out partial messages, external
>  message bodies, iframe tags, and attachments with some  extensions.
>  My understanding is that it should not filter mailing list message
>  digests. However it does. It seems that all the message digests of the
>  mailman-users mailing list are filtered because of 'blocked content'.
>  An example of a message is at:
>  The message from mailfilter does not contain any indication of the reason.
>  Could someone  please help?
>  Is there a  command line tool which would feed  a message into mailscanner
>  and possibly show how it is processed there?
>  TIA,
>  Miklós
>  ---------  Pásztor Miklós ------------------
>   Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem
>   Budapest, Hungary

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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