Multiple Recipients

Robin, Rob rrobin at GREENAPPLE.COM
Tue Feb 24 21:48:37 GMT 2004

Hello all,

        From MailScannner.conf,

# When trying to work out the value of configuration parameters which are
# using a ruleset, this controls the behaviour when a rule is checking the
# "To:" addresses.
# If this option is set to "yes", then the following happens when checking
# the ruleset:
#   a) 1 recipient. Same behaviour as normal.
#   b) Several recipients, but all in the same domain ( for example).
#      The rules are checked for one that matches the string "*".
#   c) Several recipients, not all in the same domain.
#      The rules are checked for one that matches the string "*@*".
# If this option is set to "no", then some rules will use the result they
# get from the first matching rule for any of the recipients of a message,
# so the exact value cannot be predicted for messages with more than 1
# recipient.
# This value *cannot* be the filename of a ruleset.

        So, my interpretation on this is that when there are multiple recipients (w/ different policy), you can't really create a true per-user basis preference. Are there any ways I can make it so that we can create a true per user preference in the 'multiple recipient' case ?

Rob Robin 
Network Analyst
Green Apple, Inc.
rrobin at
Internet access, hosting and development solutions since 1995.

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