Training SA

Michael St. Laurent mikes at HARTWELLCORP.COM
Mon Feb 23 18:35:11 GMT 2004

MW Mike Weiner (5028) <mailto:MWeiner at AG.COM> wrote:
> Yes, it was.  However, I'm having trouble finding the perl modules
> used (IMAPClient).  Are there RPMS available or will I need to get it
> from CPAN?
> Perl -MCPAN -e shell
> Install Mail::IMAPClient

Actually, the sa-learn program is returning an error.  Below is the debug

debug: Score set 0 chosen.
debug: running in taint mode? yes
debug: Running in taint mode, removing unsafe env vars, and resetting PATH
debug: PATH included '/usr/local/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/local/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/X11R6/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/root/bin', which doesn't exist, dropping.
debug: Final PATH set to:
debug: using "/usr/share/spamassassin" for default rules dir
debug: using "/etc/mail/spamassassin" for site rules dir
debug: using "/etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf" for user prefs file
debug: Failed to parse line in SpamAssassin configuration, skipping:
auto_report_threshold      30
debug: Failed to parse line in SpamAssassin configuration, skipping:
defang_mime 0
debug: bayes: DB_File module not installed, cannot use Bayes
debug: Score set 0 chosen.
debug: Initialising learner
debug: Initialising learner
debug: Syncing Bayes journal and expiring old tokens...
debug: bayes: DB_File module not installed, cannot use Bayes
debug: Syncing complete.
debug: Learning Spam
debug: uri tests: Done uriRE
debug: bayes: DB_File module not installed, cannot use Bayes
Learned from 0 message(s) (1 message(s) examined).
debug: bayes: 5479 untie-ing
ERROR: the Bayes learn function returned an error, please re-run with -D for
more information

I've missed something obvious I think.

Michael St. Laurent
Hartwell Corporation

Michael St. Laurent
Hartwell Corporation

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