Building an MS-SA box

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Feb 20 18:58:59 GMT 2004

You can't match against a destination IP address as that is only known once
the delivery has been done, which is really a bit late :-)
Change your IP address matches to just "From:". You can't match "To:" or
"FromOrTo:" with IP addresses.

At 18:08 20/02/2004, you wrote:
>Getting a slew of these tho, any idea if these are critical warnings or
>fatal ones?
>Feb 20 13:50:38 spambox sendmail[26676]: i1KInvZV026676:
>from=<pomvqztuf at>, size=7721, class=0, nrcpts=6,
>msgid=<2347997469571336.00782061484280958165737 at commute>, proto=SMTP,
>daemon=MTA, []
>  Feb 20 13:50:39 spambox spamd[27028]: info: setuid to spamd succeeded
>  Feb 20 13:50:39 spambox spamd[1965]: hit max-children limit (5): waiting
>for some to exit
>  Feb 20 13:50:36 spambox sendmail[26901]: i1KIoNZV026901: Milter
>(spamassassin): to error state
>  Feb 20 13:50:39 spambox MailScanner[2156]: Spam Actions: message
>i1KIgAZV022325 actions are store,delete
>  Feb 20 13:50:36 spambox sendmail[24459]: i1KIjsZV024459:
>to=<sbrandon at>, delay=00:04:21, mailer=relay, pri=210559,
>  Feb 20 13:50:39 spambox MailScanner[1931]: Config Error: Cannot match
>against  destination IP address when resolving configuration option
>  Feb 20 13:50:36 spambox sendmail[24597]: i1KIk6ZV024597: Milter
>(spamassassin): to error state
>  Feb 20 13:50:39 spambox MailScanner[2235]: Spam Actions: message
>i1KIiSZV023558 actions are store,delete
>  Feb 20 13:50:40 spambox MailScanner[1964]: Config Error: Cannot match
>against  destination IP address when resolving configuration option
>  Feb 20 13:50:36 spambox sendmail[26911]: i1KIoOZV026911: Milter
>(spamassassin): init failed to open
>The Config error messages coming back from MS.
>Thanks in advance
>Michael Weiner
>Senior Systems Administator, WebOps

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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