vscan (trend filescan) wrapper?

Gerry Doris gdoris at rogers.com
Sat Feb 14 16:49:08 GMT 2004

> I have tried changing the setting to 'alpha', and then the message is
> suppressed and it seems to work. However, then I removed my functioning
> virus scanner and just added 'trend' as the only scanner. It doesn't
> work as viruses pass right through it.
> So I was wondering if anybody else has dealt with FileScan, had a
> functioning wrapper, or advice on how to get it working. I'm guessing
> that the data parsed from the wrapper is not interpreted by MailScanner
> correctly?
> Thanks for any help you can give on this.
> Max

I suggest you try running iscan outside of MailScanner to verify that it
works and is installed correctly.  If that's working then be sure that you
have the correct paths set in the MailScanner config files so they point
to the correct install location for iscan.


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