Special Characters in stored.XXXXXX.message.txt

Jeffrey A. Clark jclark at SKIDMORE.EDU
Mon Feb 9 21:38:15 GMT 2004

We are running sendmail Version 8.11.7+Sun on a Solaris 8 V880, MailScanner-4.25-14. and perl,
v5.6.1 built for sun4-solaris.

I am trying to include an e-mail address in the body of the stored.virus.message.txt and

When I include the '@' symbol in the text line, the whole line does not print. I have tried escaping
the @ with the \ but it doesn't send the errant line.

examples tried:

Please forward this message to the helpdesk (helpdesk at skidmore.edu) for recovery of your


Please forward this message to the helpdesk (helpdesk\@skidmore.edu) for recovery of your

The only way I was able to have the line print was to use:

Please forward this message to the helpdesk (helpdesk skidmore.edu) for recovery of your

leaving a blank where the @ symbol should be.

I know, a stupid question, but any help would be appreciated.

Jeffrey A. Clark
Associate Director, CITS
Director, Enterprise Systems
Skidmore College
815 North Broadway
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-1632

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