Bayes database size.

Soeren Gerlach so-mlist-alias at
Thu Feb 5 15:53:36 GMT 2004

Hello Carles,

> Hi,
> I'm using MailScanner with SpamAssassin and the auto_learn option enabled
> for
> the Bayes DataBase.
> My question is: will the learning process stop when there is enougth
> information on the database or will it continuosly learn new spam and ham
> messages ?
> That it is, is there any limit in the number of spam and ham messages
> learned
> by the Bayes database ?
> If there is no limit, will my database continuosly increase its size until
> I
> run out of disk space ?

Your bayes database will increase continuously althoug the absolute rate
will decrease. There is a possibility to expire old entries on request as
well as using the "bayes_auto_expire" configuration parameter for
automatically expiring old entries. You may want to check for details.

Soeren Gerlach

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