Spamcop not working

Mike Brudenell pmb1 at YORK.AC.UK
Wed Feb 4 10:23:25 GMT 2004

Greetings -

Just to reiterate past advice...

--On Wednesday, February 4, 2004 7:34 am +0000 Miserable Old Git
<oldmaxgit at YAHOO.COM> wrote:


Consider switching to using the combined SBL and XBL database, which is
even more effective:

> Infinite-Monkeys      

The Infinite Monkeys database closed down in the Autumn of last year.  You
should remove it from your list.  (Using the Spamhaus XBL will be a useful


Mike Brudenell

The Computing Service, University of York, Heslington, York Yo10 5DD, UK
Tel:+44-1904-433811  FAX:+44-1904-433740

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