JANET RBL+ time-outs

Ronan Flood ronan at NOC.ULCC.AC.UK
Tue Feb 3 12:00:28 GMT 2004

Tim Hadlow wrote:

> Since yesterday (I think) our MailScanner has been reporting rather a lot of
> "RBL Check MAPS-RBL+ timed out and was killed" messages. This is the
> rbl-plus.mail-abuse.ja.net service used by the UK Academic Community.

That's probably because one of the servers is currently in transit;
sorry about that.  Should be back in service tomorrow afternoon.
Perhaps I should have taken it out of the zone, but I thought the DNS
would cope ...

                      Ronan Flood <R.Flood at noc.ulcc.ac.uk>
                 Tel: +44 20 7692 1432    Fax: +44 20 7692 1234
             Network Services, University of London Computer Centre

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