higher load average since upgrading to latest version

Chris Yuzik chris at FRACTALWEB.COM
Sun Aug 8 17:29:08 IST 2004

Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:

>Look at the size of BigEvil, its no surprise you experience trouble i
>think. Convert those to SURBL (www.surbl.org) and you will see a drop in
>CPU for sure.
Hi Raymond,

Well, what a difference the surbl makes to my system! I have gotten rid
of all the custom rulesets (I had several) and have implemented surbl
fully. Thank you for your suggestion.

The server processes about 100k messages a month. It's the weekend, and
this mail server is mainly for corporate clients but the load average is
a healthy 0.98 now. Much better than the 3.5 it was averaging with
Bigevil and friends. We'll see what this week brings.


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