AW: Error with RAR-Files

Chris Conn cconn at ABACOM.COM
Fri Aug 6 15:28:59 IST 2004

greyhair wrote:

> Chris,
>   Please forgive if I'm incorrect, but I think most us either the
> Perl interface to clamav (Mail::Clamav???) or the command line
> interface (clamscan) due to the fact that the daemon had a larger
> overhead when scanning files.  I think this overhead was expressed
> in both time per file and resources.
>   Therefore my guess would be that the answer to your clamdscan
> question would be no.
>   Is there a reason you would not like to use the Perl or command
> line wrapper?  clam works perfectly when installing using defaults
> and only a couple of file edits if you want to install clam in an
> alternate location.
> greyhair.


This is what I get now:

  ClamAVModule::ERROR:: RAR module failure:: ./i76EOX2r026872/eicar.rar

I have the patched

There seem to be no more surrounding messages.  To scan RAR with
MailScanner, do you enable "ScanRAR" in clamav.conf, as I have also
installed unrar 3.30 and it does unrar the file properly.


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