Feature request (was: MailScanner stable 4.32.5 released)

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Tue Aug 3 10:18:21 IST 2004

At 09:43 03/08/2004, you wrote:
>1) Put a "MailScanner Version Number =" setting in MailScanner.conf. This
>setting would be provided in all new MailScanner.conf files. It would not
>be copied into new versions of the file created by
>upgrade_MailScanner_conf, but the value that was in the shipped version of
>the new file would be left intact. This is messy as it means there is now
>an exception to the upgrade_... script.
>2) MailScanner would complain if the version number in the file was less
>than the version number written into the MailScanner code. Also a bit messy
>as the number is a x.y.z number not just a float, but I can handle that I

All done. Will be in the next release.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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