CustomFunctions Params

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Aug 2 20:46:20 IST 2004

Thankyou for writing this, I have been trying to get around to doing it for
months, and never quite remember it when I have the time to do it!

Your patch looks mostly okay. I have tied the regexps to ^ when extracting
the parameters (in the bit of code that is used several times). You have
one bug in your code that I can immediately see, in this bit:
@@ -787,10 +795,11 @@
    foreach $custom (values %CustomFunctions) {
      next unless $custom;
      MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Config: calling custom end function %s",
-                              $custom);
-    $fn = 'MailScanner::CustomConfig::End' . $custom;
+                              $custom . $CustomFunctionsParams{$custom});
+    $fn = 'MailScanner::CustomConfig::End' . $custom .
+          $CustomFunctionsParams{$custom};
      no strict 'refs';
-    &$fn();
+    eval( $fn );
      use strict 'refs';
In the middle of this, you have used $custom (which is a "value") as they
key into CustomFunctionsParams when calling the End function. You should
have used a "key" and not a "value", so the right parameters are passed to
the End function.

Otherwise it looks great. It will all appear in the next release.
Revised patch is attached.

Many thanks.

At 19:59 02/08/2004, you wrote:
>Hi, I've sent the ConfFile patch, but I couldn't finish
>this patch on time.
>Long ago, I have been thinking about having CustomFunctions
>whith parameters, so you could have some kind of
>configuration in MailScanner.conf
>Having the configuration outside the custom functions would
>be a good idea.
>So I wrote this little patch ("only" touched
>With it, you can write something like:
>   Spam Checks=&Function_X("param1","path_to_conf.conf")
>All the parameters will be passed only one time to the
>"InitFunction_X" and "EndFunction_X", so it will be
>relatively inexpensive in cpu usage.
>Function_X will be called as usual.
>If you use &Function_X without params, it will behave
>Leonardo Helman
>Pert Consultores
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Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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