Full spamassassin report in header?

shanna leonard ssl at AHSC.ARIZONA.EDU
Thu Apr 29 18:45:05 IST 2004

wow. Incredibly helpful! thanks!

Having just read through the conf file before sending the message,
 could someone maybe give me a teeny hint?

Michael St. Laurent wrote:

>shanna leonard <mailto:ssl at AHSC.ARIZONA.EDU> wrote:
>>Hi - I am wondering if there is an option in Mailscanner to allow me
>>to get the full spamassassin report in a mail header even for messages
>>which have *not* been marked as spam.
>>currently I get a full report in headers only for messages which *are*
>>marked as spam.
>Yes Shanna, it is.  You need to actually *read* the MailScanner.conf file.
>The explanations included in it are extensive and are intended to answer
>questions such as these.  The answer to your question in particular lies
>Michael St. Laurent
>Hartwell Corporation
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shanna leonard
arizona health sciences library

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