MailScanner-MRTG users, a question

Kevin Spicer kevin at KEVINSPICER.CO.UK
Wed Apr 28 21:41:09 IST 2004

Evening all! (except those of you in timezones where its not currently

I'm toying with the idea of adding a graph or two for disk-IO.  I'd
really like to, but I suspect that it won't work for many people
therefore I'd like to ask you all to take part in a little investigation
to see how many *nix varients ship with a version of NET-SNMP or
UCD-SNMP which supports the diskio stats I need.  So, what I need to
know is...

Operating System (including distribution and version)

the output of the following 2 commands
snmpwalk -V

snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost versionConfigureOptions

UCD-SNMP users need to use this command instead: 
snmpwalk localhost public versionConfigureOptions 

Please also state if you compiled snmp yourself, without using a
standard build for your system [please consider BSD ports/ Gentoo
ebuilds/ Source RPMS etc to be standard builds unless you modified the
configure flags yourself]

I'd be grateful if folks could email me directly (off-list) to spare
unecessary traffic on the list.

Many Thanks


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