High Load

Ken Anderson (Pacific Internet) ka at PACIFIC.NET
Wed Apr 28 16:36:27 IST 2004

Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:

> Hi!
>>>You should in my eyes do spamcop checking within SA, but that has nothing
>>>to do with the above, this is only the spamcop surbl...
>>I've thought about doing just that.  The advantage being that a spamcop
>>hit just contributes to the score rather than a complete rejection.  I
>>haven't figured out how to do that though.  How does one enable
>>spamcop.net checking from SA?  Does it make sense to run some RBLs
>>(e.g.  ORDB-RBL, NJABL, and SBL+XBL) from MS while running spamcop from
>>SA?  I have 'skip_rbl_checks 1' in spam.assassin.prefs.conf.  Is that
>>going to interfere?  Thanks for helping out with this.
> What do you mean, you can also raise the score in SA from each list, i
> would suggest however not to block/bounce since its on spamcop, thats VERY
> drastic and VERY unreliable also. We all know how spamcop works with
> reporting.
> I think you should move ALL the RBL stuff to SA. It helps with the score,
> and will definately give less false positives like that.
> Like someone said before on the list, its no art to simply block and
> reject mail, its art to get the right ones through.

I'd agree, but I think it's worth mentioning that some lists are more
reliable than others. sbl+xbl for example doesn't seem to misfire,
whereas spamcop will routinely list some ISP mailservers.

If the 'high load' is _really_ a problem, you can block/reject in
sendmail using sbl-xbl and see about a 30-40% decrease in spam right off
the top, with very few FPs. This reduces the load on MS/SA substantially.

The downside is that even though you'll not see FPs with this list, you
_will_ find yourself doing a bit of support for your customers contacts,
who are PC owners with trojaned PCs listed in the CBL (part of the

Alternately, I wonder if MailScanner could do a preliminary check on a
good rbl or two and bypass SA and take action (quarantine,notify) if the
message is found in the rbl? A sort of 'MailScanner-Lite' ?

Ken A.

> Bye,
> Raymond.
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