Action Policys

Mariano Absatz mailscanner at LISTS.COM.AR
Thu Apr 22 22:33:31 IST 2004

Hi Luciano,

I see what's happening (within the source code)... 

MailScanner's ignoring a 'forward xxxx' action if xxxx doesn't have a '@' in 

What happens if you put 'forward admin at localhost'?

If that doesn't work, we'll have to modify the source code to allow you to do 

Hola Luciano,

Mirando los fuentes veo lo que está pasando.

MailScanner está ignorando una acción 'forward xxxx' si xxxx no tiene una 

¿Qué pasa si ponés 'forward admin at localhost'?

Si eso no funca, va a ser necesario modificar el fuente para que lo puedas 


El 22 Apr 2004 a las 17:36, Luciano Giacchetta escribió:

> Hi,
> I´m newby in this foro, my english is not better
> I´ve some problem with the action policys in the MailScanner.conf. I need to 
> forward a mail with is considered a SPAM or H-SPAM  to some local acount, but I 
> can´t put a local acount, like “ admin “ else I only can put a full e-mail 
> address like admin at When, in the configuration file, 
> put “postmaster“ for send me  the administrator notices, now.. MailScanner 
> don´t have any problem, but
.  if I put this local address into a Action 
> Policys, then MailScanner never Start
> So, the only that I need is could bonce a spam mail to original recipient, but 
> the only way to do this is throuth “ mutt “, this program give me the 
> posibility to bounce a mail
 but I have a Sendmail that Relay entire domain to 
> a MX ( M$ Exchange 5.5) them all e-mail is forward to a Exchange
.. and I need 
> that the Spam mail spend in the linux box
. If you could understant all this
> Thanks in advance

> Luciano Giacchetta

Mariano Absatz
El Baby
Asking if computers can think is like asking if submarines can swim.

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