MailScanenr based relay server

Kevin Spicer kevins at BMRB.CO.UK
Wed Apr 21 22:00:29 IST 2004

On Wed, 2004-04-21 at 21:25, Ronnie Regev wrote:
>  Based on the expected volume of
> > > This server has an average daily mail load of 10000 messages, 52% of
> > > which is SPAM, another 3% are viruses
> Would the a PIII 1GHZ, 1GB sdram, on a tyan thunder LE s2510 be sufficient.
> Thanks.

I have a PIII (might be PIV?  can't remember) 800MHz 1G Ram handling
10000 msg per day (with all bells and whistles, SpamAssassin etc)
Having said that, my server is nearing capacity, we did have some delays
during the MyDoom outbreak when message load increased by approx 50%.  I
could probably tweak a little more performance if I tried (although I've
done all the easy tweaks such as tmpfs, caching DNS etc.)  I'd always
recommend adding a good margin of error, to allow for future increases
in volume of mail (my volume is almost double what it was when I built
that server) and so you can cope with major floods of mail (like
MyDoom!) or other circumstances where you may get a backlog.

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