Bug & Patch in qmail.pm parser of Mailscanner lib,

Mollier Jerome j.mollier at ACTINUX.COM
Sat Apr 17 20:00:46 IST 2004


First of all, we love the conception of Mailscanner and the clean & flexible
"implementations" capabilities.

We founded a bug in the ReadQf $MAILSCANNER_PATH/lib/MailScanner/Qmail.pm
(line 210).

If the recipient of an email is containing a "F" capital letter, then an
incomplete regular expression isn't doing really his job (as the F is a
separator in a file located in qmail queue.)

Going deeper in ReadQf sub :
    if($to =~ /T/) {
        $to =~ s/(u.*F.*?\0)//; #*HERE is the bug
        do {
            if($to =~ s/^T((.*?)\0)//) {
                $TOFound = 1;
                push @{$message->{to}}, $2;

replace the s/(u.*F.*?\0)// in order not to match the "F" in our recipient
to the folling regexp s/(u[^@]*F.*?\0)// ... and that's all folks ...

Best regards,

Actinux (http://www.actinux.com)

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