bayes rebuild

Sylvain Phaneuf sylvain.phaneuf at IMSU.OXFORD.AC.UK
Fri Apr 16 15:06:22 IST 2004

Sorry if I am being naive, but if I set Rebuild Bayes Every = 86400 in
MailScanner.conf, when does this rebuild happen?

Can I select the time it will do it?

# If you are using the Bayesian statistics engine on a busy server,
# you may well need to force a Bayesian database rebuild and expiry
# at regular intervals. This is measures in seconds.
# 1 day = 86400 seconds.
# To disable this feature set this to 0.
Rebuild Bayes Every = 86400


Sylvain Phaneuf --- Systems Manager   | phone : +44 (0)1865 221323
Information Management Services Unit  -  Medical Sciences Division
Oxford University                               | email :
sylvain.phaneuf at
Room 3A25B John Radcliffe Hospital      | fax :  +44 (0) 1865 221322
Oxford   OX3 9DU   England

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