having problems after server upgrade...partially fixed

Chris Yuzik chris at FRACTALWEB.COM
Thu Apr 15 07:39:02 IST 2004

After taking a bit of a break from this silly thing, I started hunting
around for what might be causing this. Voila...there's a big huge file
called "MailScanner.rpmnew" sitting there in /etc/rc.d/init.d/. I
renamed the old one to something else, and removed the ".rpmnew" from
this one...tadaaaaaa! So, my points 1, 2, and 3 are taken care of.
Thanks Chris. ;-)

My point 4 was solved when I realized that the server upgrade script
changed a line in my MailScanner.conf line to point to a slightly
different virus rule file. When I set it back to my good one, everything
is again being scanned for viruses. :-)

Now, on to point 5.


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