Multiple Whitelists

Ronnie Regev ronnie at DASLWEB.COM
Thu Apr 15 15:45:03 IST 2004

I would like to maintain multiple whitelists. i am running mailscanner 3.5
on an Ensim webppliance 3.5.17

can i simply point
Is Definitely Not Spam =
to multiple file names, such as

Is Definitely Not Spam
= /etc/MailScanner/rules/spam.whitelist.rules  /etc/MailScanner/rules/spam.w

or must this feature be configured
through /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/
If so, what do i do with (how would i initiate changes,
apply them, modify the file properly etc ...)

thanks, and excuse me if the last question is amteurish, im reluctant to
modify this server.

Ronnie Regev.

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