Zombie on FreeBSD 4.9

Jan-Peter Koopmann Jan-Peter.Koopmann at SECEIDOS.DE
Tue Apr 13 08:41:51 IST 2004

On Monday, April 12, 2004 10:39 PM Bart Jan Buijs <mailto:bjbuijs at DOOTALL.COM> wrote:

> delivered fine, but the MailScanner child becomes a zombie.

Search the archives. Julian already answered this. AFAIK this is normal since for performance reasons he chose not to kill all zombies at once but do some sort of "garbage collection" on them every once in a while.


Jan-Peter Koopmann
Senior Engineer

Seceidos GmbH
64293 Darmstadt/Germany

Phone:  +49 (6151) 66843-43
Fax:    +49 (6151) 66843-52
E-Mail: jan-peter.koopmann at seceidos.de
Web:    http://www.seceidos.de

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