/etc/mail/access weirdness
Billy A. Pumphrey
bpumphrey at WOODMACLAW.COM
Mon Apr 5 23:05:46 IST 2004
Ok, I started checking them. I checked only about 5. Only 1 I seen a cc: on it. Here is one message and header that I didn't see a cc on it to see.
I just heard of this new drµg called ©iális and I thought you might be interested in it. Cìális is the new ríval to vïágra and is better known as sûpér vïagrá or dubbed the "weekénd viagrá" by the prêss.
I just found a place ónl¡ne that has the gënerìc version for a lot chéáper than getting it from a US phârmâcy. No préscrìptions needed or nécessâry.
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_WORD . cyclone , blastula polygynous , appoint . gimpy . marguerite , ward retiree , suzerainty . vain . constipate , wyeth pint , importunate . camouflage . pluto6 , picnicker4 blonde , trance . discernible . postmaster , foregoing iconic , rightmost . ancestor . samoa , astoria coauthor , churchill . don . fresnel , headquarter jorgenson , masterpiece . alum . magnum , armada maxima , elementary . airy . revolt , levulose dramatic , frieze . buttermilk . everywhere , genesis gail , carboxy . lathrop . disdain , casteth sarcophagus , barth . dempsey . agone , baptiste brady , denotative . chalcocite . circe , extinguish effusive , bean . colonel . that'd , vigilant bergstrom , tangy . cuttlebone . beck , absentee gaithersburg , anaerobic . omission . draco , cancerous vacate , stayed . fed . nebulous , pram dentistry , midpoint . they've . pompeii , fitchburg1 mccoy , s's . gambit . colony , aperture seduction , minus . opium . so , hugo wok , behavioral . boom . tapestry !
, azimuthal absinthe , hoover . coccidiosis . luger , steeplebush busy , charta . bullhide . correct , twombly linebacker , delinquent . doppler . ewing , westfield breakwater , circumpolar . indy . judas , illimitable weave , ascription . custer . hibernia , comprise pagan , solstice . gilbert . baffle , cornell doolittle , algonquin . monarch . assess , narcosis blowfish , award . electress . ceramic , shrimp echinoderm , catholicism . criss . concern , coverlet d'oeuvre , abstention . dressy . calkins , surmise disdainful , circa . vivian . siberia , topeka manslaughter , pace . s's . bangor , halpern
I'm guessing that they put all those _WORD things to get by spam filters?
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-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Kevin Spicer
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: /etc/mail/access weirdness
On Mon, 2004-04-05 at 22:43, Billy A. Pumphrey wrote:
> I have some email addresses disable in the /etc/mail/access file using
> this syntax:
> I have the spam mail forwarded to a spam mail box, and in about 4 days
> it has gotten 24 email addresses addressed to mchandler at woodmaclaw.com.
> Any ideas?
> I also have several more instances like this with other email addresses.
Maybe a spammer sending to several addresses at your site (in the
envelope) but only including one in the To: header. I see spam mails
like that fairly regularly.
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