Web interface anybody?

Garry Glendown garry at GLENDOWN.DE
Mon Apr 5 12:34:16 IST 2004

Spicer, Kevin wrote:

> Garry Glendown wrote:
>>I'm wondering if there is any solution yet to create/modify config
>>files via a web interface? It should include some kind of
>>authorization in order to permit multiple editors, one per single or
>>multiple domains ...
> There is a webmin module.
> http://lushsoft.dyndns.org/MailScanner-webmin/

Hm ... As far as I can see, this module only covers general
configuration, but doesn't allow for multiple users to modify entries
for themselves, while perventing any unwanted entries for foreign
domains ...

But maybe I'm just missing something ... !?

Tnx, -garry

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