Bayes Rebuild

John Rudd jrudd at UCSC.EDU
Fri Apr 2 20:51:15 IST 2004

Matthew Baker wrote:
> I'm thinking that taking the "Rebuild Bayes Every" out and replacing
> with a cronjob like
> 0 1 * * * root sa-learn --dbpath=/var/spool/MailScanner/spamassassin/
> --force-expire
> would prevent it, but I'd like MailScanner to keep doing it.

I have a cron script that runs every 24 hours (at about 3am, when I've
got a pretty low traffic level), kills mailscanner (but not the MTA),
sleeps 60 seconds (to let everything settle), cleans out any locks in
the .spamassassin directory, does the expiry, and then re-starts

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