white listing subnets - per-domain rules

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Tue Sep 30 18:21:38 IST 2003

At 17:25 30/09/2003, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I recently started using per-domain white lists and blacklists as found in
>It looks like it is working as it should; thanks goes out to Julian for
>helping me get that setup.
>My question is related to white listing entire subnets as it relates to
>per-domain white/black lists.
>Before I started using per-domain white lists, I was able to use a wild
>card entry like this
>From:   192.168.1.      yes
>Now, in the 'default' file, I've defined some of my global white list
>entries as so:
>Does this still work? I only ask because my system is seemingly
>not  honoring that entry and in Julian's
>example in CustomConfig.pm, it is only a single IP. MailScanner is tagging
>messages from that subnet
>as SPAM and sending  bounce backs. Any light on this matter would be very
>much appreciated.

With the current code in CustomConfig.pm, it has to be an exact IP address.
You are welcome to improve the code :)
If you want me to do it, I will, but I would ask for a donation for doing
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at www.MailScanner.biz
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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