SA - sa-learn

Kai Raven k.raven at FREENET.DE
Mon Sep 29 10:02:22 IST 2003


i'm using MS together with Postfix, Procmail and SpamAssassin 2.6.0.
I have only one user account, which i use for reading e-mails.
The e-mails are stored in the user's maildir with mode 600.
In my /etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf i have

auto_whitelist_file_mode        0660
bayes_file_mode         0660

The spamassassin dir and the files are owned by user postfix.

Now, i want to use sa-learn to learn from my user account mail folders
and integrate them in the bayes db above, so i have made a weekly cron
entry with:
/usr/bin/sa-learn --prefs-file=/etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf
--spam --dir /home/user/Mail/Spam

/usr/bin/sa-learn --prefs-file=/etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf
--ham --dir /home/user/Mail/Nospam

The cron job runs under root, but all the time, it makes a directory
under /.spamassassin - why? it necessary to train the bayes filter with sa-learn and what
is the best way to do this?


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