White lists

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Sun Sep 28 19:45:24 IST 2003

At 19:29 28/09/2003, you wrote:
>On Sunday 28 September 2003 7:23 pm, Ugo Bellavance wrote:
> >         I was playing with the whitelisting and I found out that if I
> > whitelist an address in the spam.whitelist.rules, MailScanner doesn't
> > perform RBL checks on the message.  However, when Use Spamassassin = yes,
> > the spamassasin tests are still performed.
>If you do this (whitelist in spam.whitelist.rules), and an email arrives
>which gets a high SpamAssassin score, does it still get treated as spam, or
>is it correctly passed as non-spam through because of the whitelist entry?

spam.whitelist.rules is a ruleset applied to "Spam Checks" which covers
*all* spam checking, both RBLs and SpamAssassin. If "Spam Checks" evaluates
to "no" for a message, no spam checking is done, so it doesn't matter what
the SpamAssassin score might have been as it never gets worked out in the
first place.
It's very simple: if "Spam Checks" = "no" for a message, then that message
is marked as not being spam and no spam checking happens.

However, if you ask to always get the SpamAssassin report, SpamAssassin
will be called so that you get the report you asked for. But the result of
SpamAssassin will be ignored as you requested that the message be marked as
not being spam.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at www.MailScanner.biz
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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