Sendmail-8.12 RPM for RH7.x

Jeff Lee jeffl at SYSCON.EE.UNSW.EDU.AU
Sun Sep 28 16:10:34 IST 2003

Dear Mike Kercher:

Yes, please. It will be very helpful and useful.

Many thanks,


In your email, dated Sun Sep 28 03:15:22 2003, you wrote:

> If anyone wants to upgrade their sendmail installation via RPM to 8.12.10 on an
> older RH installation, I have finally figured it out.  My servers are running
> RHAS and RHES which are based on the 7.x distribution and I kept running into
> RPM dependencies all along the way...even trying to rebuild the .src.rpm
> If you are interested, let me know and I'll post the solution.
> Mike

   |                                                                |
   | K.B. (Jeff) Lee                   |                            |
   | Manager, Computer Systems Support |                            |
   | School of Elec. Eng. & Telecomms. | Ph:  (02) 9385 4940        |
   | The University of New South Wales |   Intl + 61 2 9385 4940    |
   | Sydney   2052                     | Fax: (02) 9385 5993        |
   | New South Wales                   |   intl + 61 2 9385 5993    |
   | Australia                         | Email:  J.Lee at  |
   |                                                                |

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