WARNING: Problems with new version of Sophos (3.74)

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri Sep 26 22:58:38 IST 2003

At 18:28 26/09/2003, you wrote:
>Greetings -
>It appears that two changes have been made that may well stop it working
>when installed using MailScanner's scripts:
>*  It appears to be have been made aware of multiple languages, meaning
>    a new "swpmess.dat" file has been added to the directory containing
>    the vdl files.
>    >>> A symlink is needed from the ide directory to that file as well
>    >>> as all the symlinks to the vdl files.

Here is a patch for /usr/lib/MailScanner/sophos-autoupdate to correct this

--- sophos-autoupdate.old      2003-08-25 16:53:44.000000000 +0100
+++ sophos-autoupdate   2003-09-26 22:53:50.000000000 +0100
@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@
    symlink("$VDLDir/$string", $string) if -f "$VDLDir/$string";

+# Add the new swpmess.dat file too
+symlink("$VDLDir/swpmess.dat", "swpmess.dat") if -f "$VDLDir/swpmess.dat";
  # Link in this new directory to Sophos
  chdir $SophosRoot or &BailOut("Cannot cd $SophosRoot, $!");
  $OldLinkTarget = readlink $IDELink;

>*  It appears that the /etc/sav.conf file is now REQUIRED by sweep in
>    order to find its swpmess.dat file.  MailScanner's Sophos.install
>    script currently removes this file and without it Sweep gives a
>    warning about not being able to read its languages file.

It isn't required on my Linux system. It runs quite happily without it.
Haven't tried it on Solaris yet (haven't got a non-production Solaris box
to try it on till Monday. It's cooled down enough now that I can switch my
other devel boxes back on :-)

>When I did the update using MajorSophos it converted our MailScanner from a
>Busy Bee into a Lame Duck, continually starting up MailScanner processes
>(presumably as they died off) and not doing any scanning.
>Restoring the previous version of Sophos (whose directory I had fortunately
>tar'd up beforehand) recovered things to a working state.
>I've off home now, so will do more testing on Monday.

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at www.MailScanner.biz
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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