Sophos Update method?

Martin Sapsed m.sapsed at BANGOR.AC.UK
Thu Sep 25 11:55:52 IST 2003

Max Kipness wrote:
> For users of Sophos, what is the methodology used for updates to the
actual software, not the the IDEs. It seems like every month there is a
new version. Is there a script to actually update the software, or does
this have to be done manually every month or few months.

There is a new version released on CD on the 1st Monday of every month
but available over the web a bit earlier. You only actually need to
update the engine every other month, or at a push every 3rd month as
long as you don't hang about.

I have seen the script for automatically updating the engine but the
thought of it going wrong is too scary to think of so I'd rather do it
by hand. There's usually a MailScanner update to do by then anyway given
the rate at which Julian adds features! (or else one for SpamAssassin or



Martin Sapsed
Information Services               "Who do you say I am?"
University of Wales, Bangor             Jesus of Nazareth

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