New Virus with Fake Microsoft Address...

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Sep 19 08:16:12 IST 2003

Please add "Swen Gibe" to your "Silent Viruses" list.

Very recent versions of MailScanner have a special keyword that can be put
in the Silent Viruses list called "all-viruses" so you can just add that
and not bother keeping your list up to date any more.

At 07:38 19/09/2003, you wrote:
>This new virus appears to generate many (random?) subjects, so it's getting
>difficult to narrow down.
>Has anyone filters for Spamassassin that will correctly identify this
>virus?  I'd like to score this one high so they are rejected (via
>spamass-milter)... it's been a huge problem all day.
>The fake messages have a preamble like this:
> >>>>>>>>>
>MS User
>this is the latest version of security update, the "September 2003,
>Cumulative Patch" update which eliminates all known security
>vulnerabilities affecting MS Internet Explorer, MS Outlook and MS Outlook
>Express as well as three newly discovered vulnerabilities. Install now to
>continue keeping your computer secure from these vulnerabilities. This
>update includes the functionality of all previously released patches.

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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