eTrust Virus Scanner

Spicer, Kevin Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK
Fri Sep 12 15:31:06 IST 2003

Hancock, Scott wrote:
> Kevin,
> I've been meaning to reply to your previous post.  I've followed your
> suggestion as outlined below.  I did not have success.
> If I test through putty and su as mail I get the following.
> :/usr/src$ /opt/eTrustAntivirus/ino/bin/inocmd32
> /opt/eTrustAntivirus/ino/bin/inocmd32: error while loading shared
> libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file
> or directory

Right, I assumed the run as root 'requirement' was from the docs, not experimentation.  This is presumably something to do with the environment.  When you say su presumably you mean..



su -

su - will pick up roots environment and should work.  Odds are there is something missing from the user environment, my money is on the settings for LD_LIBRARY_PATH, try this first as root than as 'other user'

and post the results.

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