MailScanner <-> Communigate Pro Gateway Update (Re: Bounce Processing Bug)

John Rudd jrudd at UCSC.EDU
Fri Sep 12 00:55:06 IST 2003

John Rudd wrote:
> On Thursday, Sep 11, 2003, at 10:07 US/Pacific, Bret Miller wrote:

> >
> > Wait... Are you sure the return path didn't get munged by MailScanner
> > or
> > SpamAssassin? In a normal list message the return path is different
> > from
> > Sender and Reply-to. Are you sure it was the same BEFORE passing
> > through
> > MailScanner?
> >
> It shouldn't be, since all it does is add headers and preserve the
> envelope information (Mail From: and Rcpt To: data).  But I'll double
> check that this afternoon (I'll add a subscriber whose destination
> doesn't involve any mailscanner set up).

*hangs head in shame*

It wasn't a problem with MailScanner, but with my ms2cgp script not
propperly preserving the envelope sender (I was deferring to the From:
header, instead of putting in a return-path header).

I have fixed it, and posted the new version of ms2cgp to the web page:

I'll also double check how this affects the behavior of the other thing
I mentioned (about whether or not bounce reports are going into the
listname/reports folder, in CGP).  Thanks for everyone's patience (and
the comments that helped me track it down).


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