Content Checks: Detected HTML-specic exploits in h8AGGVSe016972

Kevin Spicer kevins at BMRB.CO.UK
Thu Sep 11 16:08:13 IST 2003

On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 15:36, Ugo Bellavance wrote:

>>> I think he means that he would like to have the HTML cleaned from
harmful tags, but without converting into text.


>Surely this is precisely what "Convert Dangerous HTML to Text = yes" is
>Or am I misunderstanding that MS option?

"Convert Dangerous HTML to Text" converts the _entire_ html message to
text if any of the objectionable tags are found.  What I was suggesting
was that a better filter would only remove the dangerous/objectionable
tags.  This however is not as simple as it sounds, and there are all
sorts of things that need thinking about, for example its possible to
create a form (or other html content) using embedded javascript etc.
therfore all script content should be removed etc. etc.

By the way I'm not 'objecting' to the current implementation as someone
suggested, for the most part it works well and has definitely stopped
some otherwise dangerous content.  I'm just saying that a more involved
process may improve the user experience.

Personally I'm thinking about applying a ruleset so all my incoming
message get converted to text, which might stop the exchange admin
bothering me about the size of my mailbox so often!

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