OT: Is there Interest in a "recently seen Viruses Mailing list"

David dh at UPTIME.AT
Thu Sep 11 15:38:36 IST 2003

Hello all.

There has been a discussion on focus-virus at bugtraq about creating a 
blacklist for virus sending hosts. Personally I do not believe that is 
the way to go.

It might help some of us though if we knew what the "big fishes" are 
seeing. Not all of us process a million mails daily and those high 
volume mail servers might be bound to seeing virus trends way before 
the smaller ones do.

So I was wondering if there is interest in a Mailing list where 
MailScanner administrators could post some Virus statistics in a 
certain Interval. Maybe a Web Based system like incidents.org might 
help as well. I think it would be good to have something like an early 
warning system (Yes I know there are several but still, this would be 
very Mail+viri specific)

Anyone that is interested , please do contact me off list


-- nee amata wo mitsukete soshite midoto wasrezu
    domma mi mumega itakutemo soba mi iru mo
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