A humble opinion is needed

Jason Burzenski jburzenski at AMERICANHM.COM
Wed Sep 10 15:19:16 IST 2003


According to some cursory google searches, messagelabs products borrow code
from SpamAssassin which is what MS uses.  So, you can argue to management
that they will be paying for a similar product they are currently using for


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Anderson [mailto:andersjk at SOL-INVICTUS.ORG]
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 9:45 AM
Subject: A humble opinion is needed

Hi All,

I have had MailScanner installed for quite some time, and it works great,
still there have been calls that it's not quite good enough.  The latest
"Manager" wants to get in for discussion "Messagelabs" product for
spam/virus/porn filtering. www.messagelabs.com.

I would like to keep MailScanner up and running, basically I need some info
on Messagelabs if they are good or bad or are they using MailScanner in the
background? :)

I apologize if this is not the appropriate forum.

thanks in advance,
Kevin Anderson

chaos, panic and disorder... my job is done...
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