F-prot revisited

Richard Ahlquist newsletters at PCSITES.COM
Wed Sep 10 06:42:53 IST 2003


First let me stat IANAL. I have followed comments on the list about F-prot
since they changed their license. I have been running the workstation
command line version since day one and will most likely continue to do so
until something better comes along. 

Here is my issue with what you said though. I looked at the workstation
license and to say its vague is an understatement, nowhere in the page I saw
( http://www.f-prot.com/support/helpfiles/unix/linux_ws/license.html ) did
it state you cannot use the product in conjunction with MailScanner or in
any type of automated system or even on a system running a mail

As a matter of fact on this page (
http://www.f-prot.com/support/helpfiles/unix/linux_ws/comm_scan.html ) it
specifically mentions that it can be called from other applications. 

Also please note, no where in the license for the product do they mention a
definition of what the difference is between a workstation and anything

So unless F-prot has posted the wrong licensing info to their site there is
nothing in writing that I see that says I cant use their command line
scanner to scan the files on my system. Whether they are being copied from
one folder to another by hand or by sendmail. 

Just my 2cents. Take them or leave them.


-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf
Of Alan Fiebig
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: F-prot revisited

Sorry about the delay in responding, been busy lately :)


>On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, Alan Fiebig wrote:
>> While F-Prot's $29 Linux workstation version is all you technically need
>> to run with MailScanner, per F-Prot, you would be in violation of their
>> license. Their expensive 'per user' mail server version contains a whole

>On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, Steffan replied back:
>But they don't sell the command line version for servers ! They just sell
>bigger products - and we don't need that, we use MailScanner.

I know, that is my entire point. They only sell the stand alone command line
scanner for workstations.

To comply with the F-Prot license, you have to buy the big mail server
product, which is expensive due to it being priced per mailbox. Then, after
buying the big package, you end up only using a tiny portion of it, the
command line scanner. All the rest of the product was waisted since you
don't need it for MailScanner.

If you were to buy the inexpensive, $29 workstation command line scanner, it
would work perfectly with MailScanner. But then you would be in violation of
F-Prot's license.


>Even on the CA page, I didn't see a final price for the product I need,
>but maybe at that time I was already too tired after trying to find a

That's because you don't buy it from CA, you buy it from a reseller.
In my earlier post, I mentioned that the lowest price for e-Trust is $129
for a 5 node license.
The price has now come down a bit. You can find it at CDW for example:


>On Fri, 5 Sep 2003, G. Armour Van Horn replied back:
>Based on your comments, I went looking for the product. I found
>http://www.my-etrust.com/ and browsed around a bit, even
>asked "Sammy" about Linux, but didn't see a trace of anything but
>Windows software. If I buy the five-pack, is there a Linux version
>in there somewhere, or can you post a URL that gets to the Linux version?

In the 5 node license I mentioned, which now sells for $109 from CDW, you
get 11 different versions included:

  1) Windows - Win95 on up, workstations and servers
  2) Linux
  3) Exchange
  4) Lotus Notes/Domino
  5) Stand alone firewall
  6) PocketPC PDA
  7) Palm PDA
  8) Macintosh
  9) Proxy servers - Microsoft and Apache
 10) Novell servers
 11) Sun Solaris

Use as many or as few of the versions as you wish on up to 5 hosts, all for


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