Just Installed mailscanner,spamassassin

mikea mikea at MIKEA.ATH.CX
Tue Sep 9 16:11:52 IST 2003

On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 10:50:46AM -0400, Mike At Spy wrote:
> I just installed mailscanner on my Cobalt RAQ4, and it seems to work great
> off hand.
> I am curious as to what it is doing with the access file where we previously
> would put domains to filter out whenever it has to started back up.
> makemap: /etc/mail/access: line 4838: key discountbuyers.info: duplicate key

MaiLScanner doesn't do *anything* with /etc/mail/access.

This message certainly indicates that you have two lines in
/etc/mail/access with key "discountbuyers.info"; makemap doesn't
like duplicate keys in the default ("hash") DB format. Do a `grep -n
discountbuyers.info` on /etc/mail/access to find them.

> I also installed SpamAssassin.
> Since our access file is pretty darn big, do we even need to block domains
> anymore with it (since mailscanner and spamassassin are now installed)?

I've still got a fairly hefty access file; it's full of confirmed,
sturdy, obdurate beggars^Wspammers, and it's worth keeping in place
to reduce the load on sendmail, MailScanner, ClamAV, and SpamAssassin.
Remember, if you reject the session at the initial connection request,
then you don't need to accept the mail and run all those CPU-and-disk-
intensive processes on it.

$ wc -l /etc/mail/access
    5613 /etc/mail/access

Here're my mail stats for the past 8 days, to give you an idea of
what I reject when:

         Mails   spamassassin   rejected      scanner       total mails
         Total   says 'spam'    by ruleset    says virus    undelivered
 Sep   8  7100  1551 (21.85%)  456 ( 6.42%) 1017 (14.32%)  3024 (42.59%)
 Sep   7  2734  1053 (38.51%)  181 ( 6.62%)  390 (14.26%)  1624 (59.40%)
 Sep   6  2764  1144 (41.39%)  196 ( 7.09%)  303 (10.96%)  1643 (59.44%)
 Sep   5  5555  1450 (26.10%)  447 ( 8.05%)  363 ( 6.53%)  2260 (40.68%)
 Sep   4  6629  1815 (27.38%)  499 ( 7.53%)  412 ( 6.22%)  2726 (41.12%)
 Sep   3  6194  1543 (24.91%)  471 ( 7.60%)  651 (10.51%)  2665 (43.03%)
 Sep   2  6910  1400 (20.26%)  427 ( 6.18%)  703 (10.17%)  2530 (36.61%)
 Sep   1   129     4 ( 3.10%)    5 ( 3.88%)   45 (34.88%)    54 (41.86%)

Yesterday, 08 Sep., was ... _special_. Yeah, that's the word.

Mike Andrews
mikea at mikea.ath.cx
Tired old sysadmin since 1964

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