David While David.While at UCE.AC.UK
Sun Sep 7 11:05:39 IST 2003

My plan was that the IP address would have to be reported by more than one client before it got added.
David While

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Raymond Dijkxhoorn [mailto:raymond at PROLOCATION.NET] 
	Sent: Sun 07/09/2003 11:01 
	Subject: Re: RBL

	> my mailstats program analyses the log file produced by MailScanner. If
	> an email is marked as spam by MailScanner (however it is configured) is
	> added to the list using an algorithm. The sender has to send more than
	> one in a certain time period before it gets added.
	> Currently my set up only uses SpamAssassin to mark mails as spam so it
	> is not relying on other RBLs (except in that SpamAssassin uses them but
	> if it didn't it would still work). The most common SpamAssassin trap is
	> the Bayes system at the moment.
	What about false positives ? They automaticly also get added. Not saying
	its bad, but just a thought. What would be nice is a inter face for the
	RBL where you could see the 'spam', headers/text and approve it to going
	on the list.
	If we havea couple of people watching over the output that should be
	do-able and more reliable...
	Else its depending on everyones site settings whats in the RBL. If i
	decide to filter all english messages, since we only want to get dutch
	mail, that would be nasty :)

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