
Kevin Spicer kevins at BMRB.CO.UK
Sat Sep 6 22:14:01 IST 2003

On Sat, 2003-09-06 at 21:24, Vernon Webb wrote:

>> Did you run the spamassassin -D --lint  test I suggested?

>I'm sorry I didn't get that. What as the command? When I do spamd -D
>--lint I get --lint not recognized. If I do spamd -D I get a bunch of
>stuff but it seems that things do start ok. What exactly am I looking

The commands  are...

spamassassin -D --lint


spamassassin -D --lint

[Please note that the line wrapped in the second example above, you
should type it all on one line]

The -D option indicates Debug (so you get verbose output)  --lint tells
spamassassin to check the configuration files are sane (you'll get error
messages if they are not).  In the second example we also tell it to use
the spamassassin config that MailScanner uses.  The idea is to check
that SpamAssassin is working okay (first command) then check that it
hasn't been broken by something in the MailScanner config (second

spamd has nothing to do with it.  MailScanner doesn't use spamd, it
calls the SA API directly - which is better.

>> In what way does MailScanner 'crash'?  Do the processes die?  Is
>> anything in the maillog?

>I'm not sure that this has anything to do with it, but I'm getting a
>bunch of these error messages in the maillog (can't be good):

>dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection refused by []

Possibly, the whole line would have been nice!  Presumably this is being
logged by a sendmail process?  possibly a sign that sendmail isn't
listening on the loopback interface.  You can find out by doing...

netstat -an | grep :25

If you get a line that looks line this...
tcp        0      0    *

[sorry it wrapped again - but you get the idea?]
...then that is not your problem, however if the first is an ip
address of one of your interfaces then it is.

IIRC RedHat's sendmail by default listens only on, maybe
someone has changed this to an IP of an external interface?

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