SV: MailScanner and Exchange

Anders Andersson, IT anders.andersson at LTKALMAR.SE
Fri Sep 5 00:50:43 IST 2003

As far as i know it doesnt sound like anything exchange would do... maybe if
you come up with a routing rule but I think it would skip that. That would
mean defeating the hole purpose of using that kind of database they use. I
guess in small invorment it would be ok but not if you wanna keep the
database afficient. The cheapest way to protect would probably be bying a
licence from CA. Cant compare to Antigen but at least you would have a
virusscanner running your exchange computer for about 100$ or so.
I cant say for exch2k but I doubt its possibel, dosnt sound like something
MS even would try to make possible, though I might be wrong.

> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: Steve Evans [mailto:sevans at FOUNDATION.SDSU.EDU] 
> Skickat: den 5 september 2003 01:36
> Ämne: MailScanner and Exchange
> Has anyone found a way to have MailScanner protect messages 
> sent between Exchange users?  I've been trying to come up 
> with a way for every message that is sent to be routed 
> through our MailScanner boxes, even if the message is sent 
> between two users on the same Exchange server.
> Steve Evans
> SDSU Foundation

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