Mail Not Routing, stuck in /var/spool/

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Thu Sep 4 10:17:16 IST 2003


> But it may well be a completely different problem in your case.
> The thing is, it appears to have just started affecting people running
> a) various different versions of MailScanner
> b) on various different platforms
> c) it was never a problem before some very recent change in circumstances

Could be.

> This really points to it being a problem outside of MailScanner, as
> otherwise people would have surely noticed it before? The biggest changes
> in circumstances recently are the arrival of some very virulent worms and
> the death of osirusoft. If you are 100% sure you aren't ever checking

I personally have a feeling its the format of some messages, perhaps some
messages that are causing delays due to the way they are builded ? TNEF
stuff ect ect. I can imagine a lot of things that direction. Even if i
disable RBL and not run SA at all it seems to happen. I have it also on a
server (new one) where SA isnt even installed.

Or perhaps a virus, but still ...

>  From what you say, we are talking about at least 2 different problems,
> yours and the one I have just seen. Maybe there are more than 2?

Could be, but its a pain to live with. =)


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